Anime Expo BBQ (September 2, 2000) |
 Setup begins for the 5XL concert. Note the cloudy sky... |
 California can be very pretty... |
 One of the many forms of invertebrate life that attended our concert. |
 The skies are getting angry. |
 Hong and Emily hang out... |
 And, sure enough, it began to rain. Not that hard, but enough that it warranted covering our equipment. Of course, this happens when the van is away shopping. |
 And later, it clears up. |
 I take a break from hanging out at the ampitheatre and walk over to the bbq site. |
 Vicky, Rod, and Lionel watch Stan on the grill... as usual. |
 So everyone in this picture is staring at me for some reason... |
 One of the many card games going on around the BBQ |
 Rannie Sez: "Men's Pocky! It's not just for men!" And by the way, that's root beer. |
 Luke and Lena come visit us outcasts at the concert site. |
 Nicole rides around on a Razor Scooter. |
 Yet another failed attempt to get a picture of Kirstin. |
 I need to get better at this splicing thing. View from the "stage". |
 There's this long time in one of the songs where I don't play anything... so I took a picture. |
 Hills of California again, with clouds above. |
 Concert's over; time to break down. |
 Yet another failed attempt... |
 People crowed around while Lesley tries to play the drums. |
 If you shake a tree, how many AX staffers would fall out? |
 Another of our invertibrate friends. This one scared Judy. |
 Oooh... pretty. |
 View from the rope tree. |
 The very top of the rope tree. Luke's back, and Keiko's leg. |
Karaoke Afterwards at Do Re Mi (September 2, 2000) |
 A sort-of successful attempt. Random note: Toshi has the same camera as me. |
 Dana, Chico, Luke and Keiko. |
 Da yo ne! (Da yo ne!) Da yo ne! (Da yo ne!) |
 Karaoke: it's Taka-riffic! |
 Garland, the sixth Backstreet Boy! (Or would it be seventh? Like I know how many Backstreet Boys there are.) |
 Ex-roommates. (sigh) |
The Next Day (September 3, 2000) |
 Random shot. |
 Ryan and Jen set up the next game of Settler's of Cataan. I won the first. |
 Stella blocks the picture with a McDonald's Employee Hello Kitty. |
 People learn how to play Mah Jong. |
 It's Taka Misterhands! |
 One of the many human pillows that Nicole used. |
 Doods. |
 More Doods. |
 Taka breaks the mister. Bad Taka! Bad, bad Taka! |