Luke and Ryan's Birthday Party (September 16, 2000) |
 Everyone watching or playing Mario Tennis. |
 The other room, where they watched all of Magic Knight Rayearth over the course of the day. (Or at least Keiko did.) |
 One of my famous attempts at getting a picture of Kirstin. |
 Somewhere out in the world is the other side of this picture. |
 Chico having fun with Luke's new grill. |
 Garland relaxing in Luke's fold-out chair. Guest-starring my camera strap again. |
 Jen and Luke return from the store. |
 At this point, Phil started taking the pictures. Brian's head, and Luke's shiny new Wega. |
 Mike and me playing Mario Party. |
 Taka, Jen and Kirstin. |
 Luke's either surprised, or yawning. |
 Jay being anti-social and reading manga. |
 Chico and Gerald out on the patio. |
 Danny relaxing in Luke's chair, reading the AD&D 3rd Edition rules. |
 Richard and Mara eat their steak, but Mara's hiding. |
 And Phil succeeds at getting a decent picture of Kirstin! |
 If I saw as much of Phil as Danny does, I'd stare at him like that too. |
 Keiko and Garland IRC, or something. |
 Phil just seems to bring out the best in all of us, especially Garland. |
 Chico and Keiko. |
 Taka presents: A corn cob! |
 Kirstin and Keiko. |
 ... I... have nothing to say about this. |
 Luke's new grill. It's a Simpson's grill, although you can't tell that. |
 Stella, avoiding the camera again. |
 Hong, trying to look "sexy," or so Phil tells me. |
 Mike, Soung and Ryan. |
 Another flattering picture of Garland. |
 Everyone. |
Another Fanimecon meeting (September 17, 2000) |
 Another Fanimecon meeting, another picture of the cat and duck. Is it just me, or does the duck look like he's about to charge the cat? |
 The Duck and Brian make contact. |