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| January 3 - February 3, 2002 | Trip to SoCal, LAN Party, Superbowl Party | |
| February 15 - 17, 2002 | Trip to Seattle and Whistler - Part One | |
| February 17 - 18, 2002 | Trip to Seattle and Whistler - Part Two | |
| February 28 - April 15, 2002 | More Scenes Around Yahoo! | |
| April 13, 2002 | BBQ at Baylands Park | |
| April 20 - 28, 2002 | Sen to Chihiro Showing, Fanime Con 2002 | |
| July 3 - 7, 2002 | Anime Expo 2002 | |
| August 28 - September 2, 2002 | New York (Part 1) | |
| September 2-3, 2002 | New York (Part 2) | |
| September 21-November 9, 2002 | AX Staff BBQ, Around Yahoo!, "Housewarming" at Mike's | |
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