Stella's Birthday Party (November 5, 2000) |
 Hank and Stella set up Hello Kitty Jenga. |
 More fun. |
 The bunnies have a cardboard castle to live in! |
 The cake. |
 Hong, Dana, Taka and Eileen (who looks very evil for some reason) |
 Everyone lounges around while the jenga game continues |
 Digimon party supplies? |
 The cake... is served. |
 Stella blows out the candles. |
MuVie Fest (November 11, 2000) |
 Doods. |
 What exactly are the two kids in the 'K' doing? |
 Eileen and Mara hug each other with all their might. |
 Awwwwwwww... |
More 5XL Fun With Foam (November 12, 2000) |
 Chico threatens Lesley with blue foam. |
 Lesley responds with a blue foam chunk... |
 ...and then uses her super technique: "Blue Foam Flurry Dual-Attack!" |
Andy Plays with His New Mac G4 Cube (November 13, 2000) |
 Yay, shiny new G4 Cube which took no time at all to get working. |
 Meanwhile, my PC is having a typical day... |