What exactly is the city property? The lawn? The placard?

The mammoth reg line on Wednesday.

The folks who refused to partipate in the staff photo.

Hong and Luke.

The line for something in front of the theater.

The line continues.

It's a Largo cosplayer. With a hamster on his shoulder!

Dana and Taka.

Lionel and someone I don't know...

Hank at Karaoke.

Jeff stacks my Acquire game pieces.

Scott Peterson and Rob Miles at work at the Kingroach booth.

My tabletop room, near it's peak capacity.

I think this was just about as busy as it got all weekend.

Hong dressed as Raiden and a "friend."

Rod, Dana and Wynne.

Dom, dressed as something or another.

Wynne and Hoku rock out.

And Alex joins in.

Even on the job, Kirstin knows when her picture's being taken.

The brand-new.. Exhibit Hall line!

Gracie shows us a part of this balanced breakfast.

Nicole and Stanley in the control booth.

Gracie had a compass in her hair.

People outside the EH.

Hiroki, Rannie and Nicole.

We're so cheap at AX, we can't afford stantions. We use volunteers instead.

Mara at reg.

Why the heck is this faucet where it is?

The audience at the awards ceremony does the "wave."

"Looks like strobe, sounds like whoop"

Jane, Kong and Chico at Beatmania.

Mara and Jeremy at DanceManiax.

Garland and Gracie at DDR.

Razor races!

Go, Mara, go!

Who would hang a hanger from the fire sprinkler?


Hawaiian Mara!

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