I just made my first international phone call. I feel so… special.
But anyway, today was very busy, and very odd… I awoke to the very distinct, random and powerful feeling of… dim sum. Not the taste, but the triggered memory of the concept of dim sum. Now this wouldn’t be odd, except for the fact that a bunch of my friends were having dim sum at that exact moment. Of course, you could write that off as subconscious realization, because I knew they were there (and would have been there myself, if I didn’t have band practice at noon). But the weirder part was that later that day, I left a message with one of the people there, and went to practice. After practice, I was driving down the freeway, when I suddenly realized I should check my phone to see if anyone had called me, and as I was reaching for the phone, it rang, and it was her.
Did I develop a low-level day-long psychic link with Nicole? Weird.
I just finished Conker’s Bad Fur Day, and I recommend it to anyone who is of legal age and owns an N64. It’s a short game (only took me 9 hours of gameplay) and parts are rather raunchy, but it’s actually very funny in places and manages to spoof almost every genre you can imagine.
Damn, I’m out of soda again. *sigh*