You can tell what kind of day it’s going to be by how many of the new emails you get in the morning get marked “to do”.
Today was 6, which is on the high side for me.
I got my Game Boy Advance in the mail… and probably won’t be able to play it for a few days.
I was up until 2:30am last night moving my Linux machine to the new place, now that we have working DSL (yay). Silly me, I tried to upgrade it at the same time, which created all sorts of lovely problems and I ended up going back to the old motherboard. So yes, it’s still a Pentium MMX 166. At least now it has more memory and more disk space… but damn, it’s slow.
I think the constant exposure to high levels of dust is giving me allergies or something… go figure. I need to finish moving.
preach it brother
i’m in the same boat… with layoffs, my workload at least doubled… and while i am ordering all sortsa airsoft goodies, i won’t be able to mess with any of them for at least a week… wtf…