
So I returned from Fry’s and had a short computer adventure which I won’t go into details about.

Suffice to say, I now have an understanding of the concept of “high density memory.”

Let’s just say that if I ever buy a new motherboard for my PC, I will get a “free” 512MB memory upgrade.


I played with styles a bit. It seems I have too many friends, and there aren’t enough colors, so I needed a way to distinguish you all more effectively. So I made it so that “foreground” and “background” became “border color” and “background” so now I can choose any two colors, and it won’t be that bad, as long as the background is readable with black text on it.

Yes, the colors are fairly arbitrary, especially since I just did a bunch of switching around.

I’m off to Fry’s to buy more memory for my Mac so I can actually use iPhoto.