State Meme

I started to fill my copy of this new “what states you’ve been to” meme out, but then I realized, I don’t actually know exactly what states I’ve been to, because I did a lot of traveling when I was a small child (my parents have actually been to every state, except Alaska), I live in CA, I’ve taken trips to IL, FL, NV, IN, NY, WA and the four corners (UT, NM, CO, AZ) and was in a car trip to IN, which went through NE and MO as well (I-70). But then, I might have been to MA, which may have involved driving through CT and RI, and I may have been to KY when I was in Evansville, IN once. I also may have been to WI and MI when I was nearby. I also seem to remember a trip to TX, although that may have been before I was born.

I think I need to ask my mom now.

Still Here…

… just not posting much. Went to Magic prerelease over the weekend with bigdumbthing, Danny, Albert and Dom. Cleaned my bathroom yesterday, finally disposing of a bunch of leftover toiletries left behind by kken and gyoza (and possibly bigdumbthing). Last week, I got an order of a bunch of CDs from Japan, in the process of listening to and rating them. (Including Morning Musume Best! Morning Musume One… yes, lionboogy, this one’s for you!)