Before I go back and say what’s happened the last week, I just have to vent how things keep lining up. Saturday is my 10 year high school reunion, and I’m going to that. I already knew I was missing the Champions of Kamigawa prerelease (the newest Magic expansion) on Saturday as well. But I was planning on driving back up on Sunday for the Chains of Promathia preview event. Until I realized just now that it’s also on Saturday. Because there were two events, I just mentally assumed that they were on Saturday and Sunday, but they’re not, they’re on Friday and Saturday. So I miss that, and I miss out on finally meeting some of the Linkshell fellows who were going to that.
It never fails that there’s three things I want to go to on the same weekend, and every other weekend there’s very little else going on.
So last week, I had the first half of my dental adventure, which involved in getting half of my face numb and getting a filling and half of my teeth cleaned above and below the gumline.
Saturday was another anime con in SF, this time the JTAF2. I visited briefly, ran into cochrane and sweetmegumi, who were very busy, lyricaldanichan, who I always manage to miss but not this time, and bobthetrout, who was waiting in line every time I saw her.
Still grumbling…. today was a really annoying day at work as I had to finish up everything to be ready for my absence, and then I finally did the math and realized that Sept. 18 is a Saturday…