Today was my first day at work in a long time. Of course, as the first day, it involved mostly getting things in working order, running around getting access cards and laptops (which I don’t have yet, need to get tomorrow morning) and making sure my development environment was ready for the real work that starts tomorrow.
During the course of the day, I pretty much realized that all of the problems I’ve been having with my cell phone recently (lots of static, people can’t hear me talk or I can’t hear them talk) weren’t just because of the crappy reception at my mom’s house, they were because my phone was just plain dying. So I bought a new one. A RAZR, in fact, but I haven’t had much chance to play with it, because as soon as I rushed home from the Cingular store, I ran into FFXI to do limbus, then when I was done with that, I got rushed off to dinner and SVGL.
To sleep!
Augh!!! Not another RAZR. I swear this is the official phone of the pod people that are at this very minute trying to take over the world. One RAZR at a time…seems like every time I turn around, someone I know suddenly has a RAZR. It’s getting creepy in that Twilight Zone kind of way.
(the above was brought to you by Tin-Foil Hats For A New Millenium)
Yay, work!
Or boo, work! As the case may be. Pick one. Or both.
ewwww a raz0r. did you get the pink one at least? 😉 i hate motorolas. lol.
more like motololas
Hooray! Forgot to grats you on the new job. 🙂