I’ve been thinking about getting a new car longer than a lot of people buy a new car and then buy a another new one.
The occasional musings of Andy Scheffler
I’ve been thinking about getting a new car longer than a lot of people buy a new car and then buy a another new one.
I’m thinking about getting a new andy-poking stick!
I put away money earlier this year for a future car. The fund matures in two years. This means that you have a little over a year and a half to get a new car before I beat you to it. If you don’t have one by then, I reserve the right to make fun of your old car.
If you buy a car like kane’s and I have to drive your luggage to cons I will do something unpleasant to you.
…I have luggage?
things like the spare TV monitor so you can play games?
The real question is, can you ever see me in some sort of stupid penis extension car? I mean, really?
I’ve been *thinking* about getting a girlfriend longer than… uh, forget it.
get something cute. :X
Your car still has plenty of life in it. You live like 5 minutes from your office and hardly ever go anywhere. You should be able to keep driving that thing another 10 years. Don’t waste your money if you don’t need to; use it to pay down your mortage if it is burning a hole in your pocket.
And this is why I’ve been thinking about it but never doing it: it’s not that pressing of a need.