That was the name of the old PC software that I used in High School and the first year of college as a word processor.
I just found my old files, and it’s quite an interesting read.
Especially the following:
hi erik whilwockesby jurkdo huuppio
sharon kim-whilwockesby jurkdo huuppi
Yes, that’s my college freshman year roommates… stoned out of their mind.
But you never inhaled any of their second-hand potsmoke eh? eh? eh eh?
“I never inhaled”
They usually were off in another room when they were actually doing the smoking… they then came in and we had the “fun” with the word processor.
Re: “I never inhaled”
But it would explain your memory problems!
Remember kids, back in those days kids still came to berkeley with typewriters instead of computers, and JJ Newberry’s was the hip store for all the youngsters to shop at down on shattuck.