Chains of Promathia has been delayed in shipment by most major retailers. There is considerable confusion going around, but the most common answer is “the hurricane disrupted our supply lines”. Retailers are saying everything from one day delay to three weeks. Which, of course, means it will be a few days or so.
This also makes North American players even more irate, because the Japanese players have been running around in the new areas for almost a week now, and we’re having to wait even longer. Also, this change wasn’t mentioned until today… the day of release. You’d think if the supply chain was disrupted, they’d have known about it a little further in advance.
AAAWWWWWWWW!! *sobs* I want in! I’ve had ffxi still in the box haven’t opened it because I need a video card for my PC. Is there anything else I need for it?
umm, not really.. a good internet connection is nice, and half a gig of ram.
other than that you should be all good.
Hammy and I are on phoenix just fyi
wow! hey thanks i hope i get on phoenix i have other friends that are on it, too. I’m so excited to get started on it…thanks so much again! i just cant’ decide whether to be a human or a teru teru or…..*mind wanders off*
Just ask one of your friends for a world pass, you are sure to get on.
Hmm.. I’m running on 256mb RAM, and things are just fine in 1024 x 768 (Though doubling the RAM would be nice in any case)
I’m on Phoenix as well, as “Sorek”