I hate that feeling when you feel like something is amiss, but you don’t know what. Argh.
Submitted… for your amusement.
The Courtesy Phone at Jiffy-Lube
Merchandising, merchandising, merchandising!
April Fools Bring May… Flowers?
So, I beat Zelda, all by myself. No, guides or FAQs or anything. Yay me.
April Fool’s Day has been pretty uneventful… just the typical stupid /. fake stories. I just got a bunch of CDs from the Land of the Rising Sun, including DDR Extreme and Final Fantasy: The Black Mages and some more Yoko Kanno stuff. I also got my GBA SP today. I just want to open and close it over and over, it’s so cool looking. Now I just need headphones for the dang thing (coming in the mail later this week).
Yes, we’re still looking for a roommate, although we keep getting warm bodied requests, none have gotten past the email stage.
For all those days I don’t update, I should write a script that automatically makes an entry.
I would get those entries from here.
Zelda? Zelda!
(“Which way to go?”) Peahats, Octoroks and Moblins, oh my!
I really like the new Zelda game. I’ve been playing it every chance I get, which is why I’m not around much in the evenings. I’ve been deliberately avoiding spoilers, so I’m being pleasantly surprised by the story.
I still haven’t heard back from mortgage guy. I should probably check in with him next week. We still haven’t found a new roommate, but we just re-listed the craigslist posting, so we might get another poke or two. Anyone know anyone looking for a room in Sunnyvale?
Oh, hello there.
Two random people just added me to their friends list, so I suppose I’d better update so I don’t bore them to death.
(Yes, I only care about them, the rest of you can go to… hello!)
I haven’t talked about the war. I’ll sum up my opinion in one sentence and then I’ll probably never speak of it again: I support our troops in the Middle East, and I know Saddam is a bad man, but we should not have gone in without the consent of the rest of the world. There, I’m done.
The Wind Waker comes out today, but I’ll most likely get it tomorrow (overnight shipping from ebgames.com, remember?).
We’re still looking for a new roommate, although we’ve gotten a few leads, none of them have panned out yet.
http://www.craigslist.org/sfo/sby/roo/9586730.html Silly bigdumbthing, moving out and all that. Now we gotta find a roommate.
At 7:15 p.m. this evening, it started raining.
Tomorrow morning I meet with a loan-type person about mortgages, either to buy the place we’re renting or get a place of my own.
Milestone In Life
Yes, I’ve reached a milestone in my life.
My boss said he saw it yesterday, but I didn’t believe him. But then, I saw it with my own eyes this morning, in all its splendour.
My first grey hair.
I know where my vote is going.
I don’t care if Dubya runs again.