Chain chain chain… chain of conference calls

Just got off a 59 minute conference call, which basically started with me talking to person A… realizing we need to talk to Person B, conferencing them in… realizing we need to talk to Person C, conferencing them in… realizing we need to talk to Person D, conferencing them in… Person A has a meeting, so she leaves, and an hour later realizing that the problem we’re having has fixed itself for some reason, oh well, on with life.

In other news, I got my copy of Final Fantasy III in the mail today (used, of course). I now own at least a part of a copy of each domestically released Final Fantasy game. (For reasons I won’t go into, I own one third of a copy of FF7.)

Found money.

I just cashed in the $75 I had sitting in my account. Yes, I wrote a few reviews, and they got used quite a bit. I actually got money.

Well, we’ll see if I actually got money if the check actually gets to me. (And actually clears.)

Candy candy candy candy…

Must… go home… and trick or treat… in Animal Crossing!

In other real-world news, I can say, for the first time, that “my car is in the shop.” Yes, I finally got around to fixing the horrible bumper falling off and dent in the side door. Drivin’ the rental… dealin’ with insurance. Oh yeah.

The Adventures of Andy: Episode 26

ANDY 42 Oct 29 10:00am
Series/Drama, 2 Weeks.

“Auto Repair”, Episode #26A10D.
Andy has his first bout with Automotive Repair and insurance claims.

Cast: Andy Scheffler, The Claims Guy, The Auto Body Guy, Luke Gottlieb, and Jerry Mathers as the Beaver. Director(s): Terry Gilliam. Producer(s): George Lucas. Writer(s): AAA Auto Insurance, Cal-West Automotive Repair, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.

Original Airdate: October 29, 2002

Wow, this doesn’t happen that often.

So we were at Fry’s on Saturday (primary mission: purchase a new, cheap usb gamepad with better response than my current one so I could finish playing Super Metroid. Mission… completed) and we were perusing the anime section of the DVDs, and I saw two new animes that I wanted to try (that both happened to have music by Yoko Kanno).

The first one I ended up watching was Arjuna, and despite some of the negative criticism it’s gotten, I happened to like it quite a bit.

Of course, it’s a frigging Bandai title, so they’re only coming out with one three-episode disc every two months.

DAMN YOU, CHARLES MCCARTER! *shakes fist at sky*

Dear Lord, no!

I finally got my copy of the Beauty and the Beast DVD in the mail, and I looked at the extra features. One of them is “Mrs. Potts’ Personality Profile Game – Discover which character from the film is most like you.”

It’s true. Internet personality quizzes have broken into the mainstream. We will never be rid of them now.