It’s mocking me! It’s me mocking me! It’s self-mocking!

I’m aquiz hater!
Do you post too many quizzes in your journal? brought to you by:
The occasional musings of Andy Scheffler
It’s mocking me! It’s me mocking me! It’s self-mocking!
So, Friday night,
The weekend continues
A while back, I bought the DDRMAX soundtrack, as I’ve been buying all of the DDR soundtracks for a while now. I really liked one of the songs on it, WWW.Blonde Girl (which evidently is a favorite of quite a few people). I liked it so much that I wanted the full 2:39 version, instead of the 1:05 DDR short version. So I bought the Dancemania CD that it came from, which had a few other songs on it that were interesting (A dance remix of Eyes on Me among other things).
The problem was that the Dancemania CD was a megamix CD, which means at the beginning and the end of the Track, it bled into the previous and next songs. This wouldn’t do if I just wanted to put the song into my MP3 player and listen to it.
So, in an act that Luke called “obsessive”, I edited the three versions of the song together… the beginning of the DDR version from the DDRMAX Megamix on Disc 2, the middle of the 2:30 version from Dancemania, and the end of the DDR version from the DDRMAX Disc 1. I got a finished product that is very pleasing, and I uploaded it to my MP3 player. Whee.
Saturday Checklist:
Since when is AAA not open on Saturday? Oh, well, on to Home Depot.
In 2002, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These hamsters promptly escaped from a maximum security habitrail to the Sunnyvale underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the H-Team.
I bought new shorts…. one waist size up… nice and loose so my ass doesn’t hurt as much.
Oh, and evidently, I’m a cold, dead fish.
Just went and saw Episode II, on the company’s tab. Hooray. Thought it was better than Episode I, but no better than any of the originals.
What’s more interesting is that I ran into yet another old Berkeley co-worker outside the movie, which makes two in as many days. Couldn’t talk long because my ride was walking away, though.
Ran into an old coworker / classmate back from my Residential Computing days in Berkeley at the comic book store today (although not my regular store, it was
I don’t know if she remembered my name…
I just installed spamassassin on my Linux machine.
Since last night, two spam messages have appeared in my inbox, and thirty have been caught by spamassassin.
I am so in love with this program, I could plotz.