
So Luke is all moved in, and he set up his “porta-bar” all on the kitchen counter. Personally, I think the idea of taking up all that valuable counter space on something that’s only going to be used occasionally is silly, but Luke disagrees. His counter to “Why don’t you get a cabinet for all that?” was “what would you put there?” to which I had no immediate response. I have a feeling that the response “anything but the liquor” wouldn’t have led down a path I’d want to go down…

Seriously, what’s the point of having it out? Is it a machismo thing? “Look at me, I own all this liqour!” It’s certainly not a convienence thing — “Hey, you know what would go great with this tv dinner? Peppermint Schnapps! Hey, what do you know, there’s some right here within arm’s reach!” Knowing Luke, he’s probably going to be making lots of things Irish, so to speak.

And of course, heaven forbid there’s an earthquake, or we’ll have the world’s largest mixed drink on our kitchen floor.

Road Rage

So this “morning” during my commute to work (morning being relative), before I’ve even gotten 20 feet out of the driveway of my apartment complex, I signal to turn right at the next intersection, and as I turn, the guy who’s turning left in the lane in front of me flips me off and screams something at me I can’t hear.
I assume it’s because he assumes I didn’t signal, because my blinker in the front right doesn’t work, and I just made him lost five whole seconds of his life because he could have turned earlier if he had seen me signal.
Is this really a reason to yell at someone and flip them off? It’s totally out of my control. I consider myself to be an above average driver, especially on the freeway, but how does it bode when, first thing in the day, a random guy yells at you for no reason of your own?
*sigh* Wednesdays.